The Quality Group Lottery Solutions GmbH (TQG-LS) delivers new lottery management platform for the Deutsche Fernsehlotterie
The Deutsche Fernsehlotterie and The Quality Group (TQG) have started a cooperation for the development of a new lottery software and the new player management of the social lottery. Implementation will take place successively over the next few months and is expected to be completed by the end of the first half of 2021.
In order to technically realign the organisation and operation of Germany’s most traditional social lottery, TQG-LS will adapt and implement the lottery management platform TQG-LotterySuite to the requirements of the Deutsche Fernsehlotterie. With the new system, the Deutsche Fernsehlotterie will receive a customer management tailored to its needs with integrated corporate customer handling. The TQG system enables a high-performance and secure gaming operation. All tickets are processed, the winnings are calculated and the necessary interfaces to the cooperation partners of the social lottery are provided.

Ultra-modern operation of a social lottery
In order to technically realign the organisation and operation of Germany’s most traditional social lottery, TQG-LS will adapt and implement the lottery management platform TQG-LotterySuite to the requirements of the Deutsche Fernsehlotterie. With the new system, the Deutsche Fernsehlotterie will receive a customer management tailored to its needs with integrated corporate customer handling. The TQG system enables a high-performance and secure gaming operation. All tickets are processed, the winnings are calculated and the necessary interfaces to the cooperation partners of the social lottery are provided.
“Even though the operation of a lottery is largely standardized, there are still many customer-specific requirements that have to be implemented in a project. The structure of the TQG-LotterySuite allows such a high degree of individualization without leaving the path of a standard software and having to give up the advantages of using a standard software. I am particularly pleased that the numerous marketing functions and the comprehensive player management meet the high demands of the Deutsche Fernsehlotterie for a state-of-the-art system”, says Karsten Hagemeister, COO and responsible for Business Development at TQG-LS.
Thanks to the players, the non-profit Deutsche Fernsehlotterie has achieved a charitable income of more than 2 billion euros from 1956 to the present day and has thus been able to support more than 9,300 projects through its associated foundation, the German Relief Organisation. Children, adolescents, families, senior citizens, people with disabilities or serious illnesses are enabled to lead a better life through the project sponsorships. The sponsored projects are intended to be up-to-date and to meet current social developments. Last year, the Deutsche Fernsehlotterie had a total of 834,818 winners, which is 2,287 winners per day.
TQG-LS is a technical service provider for the state-licensed gambling market.
The TQG-LotterySuite is an end-to-end lottery management system that demonstrably covers the requirements for secure and efficient gaming operations. In addition to a high-performance transaction engine, the system contains the central functions for the management of games and customers. The TQG-LotterySuite encompasses all sales channels. The system is a modular, flexible and completely scalable platform. It is based on principles of modern development of standard solutions. This guarantees a fast project implementation. The system offers all relevant functions of a lottery management system. Customer-specific adaptations can be easily integrated. The TQG-LotterySuite is hardware independent. Back office applications of third parties are supported via standard interfaces.
Innovation • Performance • Quality
For all enquiries please contact:
The Quality Group Lottery Solutions GmbH
Public Relations / Marketing
Claudia Köhler
T: + 4940689468-41
The Quality Group - The success for digital strategies
More than 100 employees offer our service portfolio in a customer orien-tated manner at two locations, with a regional approach to supporting our users, customers and partners. Our constantly growing team consists of experienced consultants, process consultants and developers in the Böblingen and Hamburg locations.
TQG LotterySuite
It is an end-to-end lottery central and drawing system, with a high perfor-mance transaction engine, which is 100% customized and fully configurable. Essential components are
- PAM – Player Account Management
- Game configurator
- Transactions Engine
- Retail manager
Database independent

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